content1 – lear how to write a narrative essay here! Thu, 25 May 2023 15:33:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1ā€”feather-pen-write-sign-logo_4775107-1-32x32.png content1 – 32 32 Time-Saving Strategies for Busy Students: Managing Assignments with Ease Thu, 25 May 2023 14:31:47 +0000 In the hectic world of academia, students often find themselves juggling multiple assignments, exams, and extracurricular activities, leaving little time for relaxation or personal pursuits. The pressure to perform well academically can be overwhelming, leading to stress and burnout. That’s why assignment experts at are readily available for students who need help with cumbersome paperwork.

However, there are effective strategies at the best study intervals that can help busy students master time management with ease and reclaim valuable time in their lives. Students can balance academic responsibilities and personal well-being by implementing time-saving techniques and adopting efficient organizational habits.

In this article, we will explore some proven strategies that can assist students in optimizing their time management plan and ensuring productivity while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. From effective planning and prioritization to leveraging technology and seeking support, we will delve into various methods to help students navigate the demands of their academic journey more easily and efficiently.

College time management – a brief overview

College time management refers to the practice of effectively mastering time management, organizing, and allocating your time to meet the demands and responsibilities associated with college life. It involves consciously planning and prioritizing tasks, activities, and commitments to optimize productivity, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and achieve academic success.

A college time management plan entails understanding and recognizing the various obligations and opportunities that arise during your college experience. This includes attending classes, completing assignments and projects, studying for exams, participating in extracurricular activities, engaging in social interactions, and possibly managing part-time employment.

By practicing college time management, you can make efficient use of your time, ensuring that you meet deadlines, accomplish goals, and avoid unnecessary stress. It involves creating schedules or routines, setting realistic goals, and being mindful of time constraints. An effective time management guide allows you to allocate appropriate amounts of time to different tasks, giving each the attention it deserves while avoiding procrastination and last-minute rushes.

How to manage time as a student: important student time management skills

For students to master time management effectively is crucial to balance their academic commitments, personal life, and other responsibilities. Here are some guidelines to help you manage your time efficiently as a student:

  • Set clear goals

Start by setting clear, achievable goals for your studies, such as completing assignments, preparing for exams, or finishing a certain amount of reading. Break down bigger tasks into smaller, controllable steps.

  • Prioritize tasks

Categorize the most significant and urgent assignments and arrange them accordingly. This way, you can focus on what matters most and avoid wasting time on less important activities.

  • Create a schedule

Develop a schedule or timetable that allocates specific time slots for studying, attending classes, completing assignments, and other activities. Ensure you allocate sufficient time for breaks and relaxation as well.

  • Use a planner or digital tools

Utilize a planner, calendar, or digital tools like productivity apps to keep track of your schedule, deadlines, and commitments. Set reminders to stay organized and manage your time effectively.

  • Eliminate distractions

Reduce diversions that can delay your productivity. Find a quiet study environment, put your phone on silent mode, or use apps that limit distractions, and avoid multitasking, as it can reduce your focus and efficiency.

  • Practice time blocking

Time blocking involves dedicating specific blocks of time to particular tasks or subjects. Allocate uninterrupted periods for studying or working on specific assignments, allowing for deep concentration and productivity.

  • Break tasks into smaller chunks

Break down larger tasks or projects into smaller, manageable chunks. This helps prevent procrastination and makes the workload seem more attainable. Set deadlines for each subtask to maintain progress.

  • Take systematic breaks

Integrate small breaks into your study plan. Taking breaks can help rejuvenate your mind, prevent burnout, and improve productivity. Use this time to relax, stretch, or enjoy activities.

  • Develop effective study habits

Find techniques that work best for you, such as active reading, summarizing key points, using flashcards, or creating mind maps. Experiment with different methods to identify what helps you retain information effectively.

  • Leverage paperwork experts

Leveraging professional assistance from professionals can help to maximize productivity and reduce academic stress.

Bottom line: how to improve time management for students

A time management plan is essential for busy students looking to manage their assignments easily and effectively. By implementing the right techniques, students can regain control over their time and achieve a better work-life balance.

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Academic Support with Integrity: Ethical Homework Assistance Thu, 25 May 2023 14:26:47 +0000 In today’s educational landscape, students face numerous challenges in their academic journey, and completing homework assignments is often a significant part of their responsibilities. While seeking assistance with homework is a common practice from services like, it is crucial to consider the ethical implications of the support provided.

Academic support with showing integrity entails maintaining high ethical standards in homework assistance, emphasizing the development of student’s skills and knowledge while upholding principles of honesty, fairness, and responsibility.

The concept of ethical homework assistance revolves around the understanding that learning is a personal and transformative process. It involves fostering an environment that encourages students to take ownership of their education, promoting their intellectual growth and self-reliance. At the same time, it recognizes the importance of providing appropriate guidance and support to ensure students’ success without compromising their integrity.

What does academic integrity mean, and why is it key?

Academic integrity refers to the ethical principles and values that guide the conduct of individuals in academic settings, such as schools, colleges, and universities, and ways to show integrity. It encompasses a set of standards and behaviors that promote honesty, fairness, and trustworthiness in pursuing knowledge and completing academic tasks.

At its core, academic integrity emphasizes the importance of originality, credibility, and accountability in academic work. It requires students, researchers, and scholars to uphold certain fundamental principles.

Examples of integrity for students: what constitutes integrity?

Showing integrity is essential for students, encompassing honesty, trustworthiness, and ethical behavior. Here are some examples of integrity for students:

  • Academic honesty

Students should uphold the principles of academic integrity by submitting their work with the help of professional writing services, citing sources properly, and not engaging in plagiarism or cheating.

  • Honoring commitments

Students should fulfill their commitments and obligations, such as meeting deadlines, attending classes, and participating in group projects, demonstrating their reliability and responsibility.

  • Respect for others

Students should treat their peers, teachers, and staff members with respect, valuing their opinions, perspectives, and personal boundaries.

  • Truthfulness

Students should strive to be truthful and honest in their words and actions, avoiding lies, deceit, or exaggeration to manipulate situations or gain unfair advantages.

  • Accountability

Students should take responsibility for their actions, acknowledging their mistakes and learning from them rather than making excuses or blaming others.

Integrity example -key things that guard academic integrity

Whether it is how well one can use technology or the principles that guide decision-making, certain things guide and define academic integrity, and some of them include:

  • Ethical decision-making

Students should consider the ethical implications of their choices and actions, making decisions that align with their values and the well-being of others, even when faced with difficult situations.

  • Confidentiality

Students should respect the privacy and confidentiality of others, not share personal or sensitive information without permission, and maintain confidentiality in academic and professional settings.

  • Fairness

Students should treat others fairly and justly, avoiding favoritism, discrimination, or taking unfair advantage of others.

  • Authenticity

Students should be true to themselves, embracing their values, beliefs, and identities, and not compromising their integrity to fit in or gain acceptance.

  • Responsible use of technology

Students should responsibly and ethically use technology, such as computers and the internet, avoiding activities like hacking, cyberbullying, or unauthorized sharing of digital content.

Bottom line

By showing integrity in these and other areas of their lives, students cultivate a strong moral compass and develop qualities that contribute to their personal growth, success, and positive contributions to society.

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Guide’s Writing a Literacy Narrative Essay + Example Wed, 05 Jan 2022 15:50:40 +0000 Writing an essay is both a test of creativity and language skills. Depending on the type of essay you are writing, you could be required to argue a point, tell a story, or give information about some issues, events, or persons. A narrative essay is personal and not argumentative, and there are various types. One of the commonest types of narrative essays written by students is the literacy narrative essay.

What is a Literacy Narrative Essay?

A literacy narrative essay is an essay specifically written to share the impact and gains of reading and writing. A literacy narrative essay is like a personal narrative essay in that it relays a personal opinion on the benefits of literacy. It requires the writer to share their experience concerning reading and writing. For example, a literacy narrative essay could be a retelling of a story from the essayist’s point of view.

A literacy narrative essay shows your relationship with reading, writing, and language in general. It allows you to think back to your earliest experiences with literacy skills and how they helped to shape you. For example, you could be asked to relate how you felt when you could finally read a whole text yourself. This type of essay will help you relive the experience and probably recall those who helped you get to that point.

Literacy Narrative Examples

While literacy narrative essays are relatively easy to write, finding a suitable topic to write on may prove quite the opposite. Here we have provided some examples of literacy narrative topics you can write on.

Literacy Narrative

Part 1

In the following essay, I would like to talk in detail about my personal experiences and how they have shaped me as a writer. When I write, I prefer telling stories. In fact, where I come from (West Africa), story telling is a popular tool of teaching young people about the different sides of life. This is something that the child gets accustomed to early on. The child is told stories by his/her parents as soon as she learns how to walk. This tradition practically shapes one’s whole life.

Let me explain, in my family (and in the families of my friends, in the place where I grew up) it is common practice to gather in the evening around the dinner table and tell each other stories. Not only at the dinner table, but basically anywhere in the house. It could be a fire place or the garden, if it is summertime. In my family, the tradition of telling stories was quite strong.

I remember those warm summer nights when our whole family (including grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, and so on) gathered on the porch. Grandma and grandpa would tell us stories from their youth. Furthermore, we (the children) would learn from adults stories of how they met, the funny and difficult situations that they encountered in life; these stories were sometimes very sad and other times hilarious. At the end of these “therapeutic sessions,” as I like to call them, we all felt relaxed and deeply satisfied. You see, I felt that these stories worked as a sort of glue. They connected us as a family on a rather deep level.

Another important thing that I would like to focus on is that in my home environment children were encouraged to tell their stories as well. As soon as they learned how to talk, adults would approach them just like they would approach another adult, asking (for instance): “Tell me, how did your day (activity) go?” Growing up, I spent much time with my grandmother. I remember how she would ask me questions about myself, how my day went, and what I felt. She showed interest in my stories, which made me feel noticed and special. In fact, this is one of the deepest forms of respect that I know — caring for another person’s feelings. Every individual’s life is a story infused with emotions and feelings. This is why sharing stories with each other is so important. This way, we get to know another person and open up ourselves to them; thus, we are brought closer. Moreover, when we are listened to, we feel special. The feeling of importance and significance is the most precious thing that we can give to anybody. When a child feels important early on in life, he/she learns to value not only himself/herself, but also others.

Therefore, in my writing (and as a writer) I am most fascinated by the story-based narrative. I find it very familiar and exciting. When the reader encounters a story which has a clear beginning, middle, and an ending, he/she remains focused the whole time. Therefore, my background of story-telling and listening to others’ stories has taught me that any good story has a clear plot, is infused with emotions, and has a clear goal, which is rooted in a state of complete honesty.

Without complete honesty (in motives and feelings) the story will fail. The listener or reader feels that something is off and loses interest. Hence, when I write, I aim to tell stories that come from the heart; by this, I mean stories that keep one both focused and excited. In order to achieve this effect, the writer has to stay tuned into his/her inner core. The feelings and emotions that are expressed in the plot have to be genuine. The thing is, I have noticed that when I try to impress others in my speech and writing, they seem less than impressed. Yet, when I am completely natural and authentic, they remain focused and interested in my story the whole time.

Part 2

After reading the interview with Elaine Richardson, I could outline the following themes which impacted her development and growth as a writer. First of all, her mother had a significant impact on her writing. She takes great care to talk about her mother, describing her personal qualities, character, dreams, and background. In fact, I can empathize with this. Oftentimes, we are shaped by our caregivers. I would even say most times. In the case of Richardson, her mother had a substantial impact on her worldview as a writer.

Not only does one come to view the world through the prism of the ones he/she loves, but at a certain point in life we may resemble our loved ones to a great extent (in terms of personality and character). In particular, when we are loyal to somebody (emotionally), we focus deeply on that person. Of course, in some cases people may be shaped by social circumstances more than by their loved ones. Yet, in the case of Richardson, her mother had a decisive and crucial effect on her writing themes and topics. In the interview, Richardson shares with us that her mother read poetry and invested much time in educating her children. It is no wonder that Richardson’s focus is shifted so much to her mother’s personality and presence; in the interview, one can feel that she experiences a deep and loving bond with her mom.

Yet another experience which shaped Richardson’s worldview was her early pregnancy at the age of thirteen. She became pregnant, yet had an abortion, since she could not imagine giving her child away. In fact, given her deep bond with her own mother, I understand why it was unthinkable for her that she could give her child up for adoption. Nevertheless, abortions and early pregnancies can be deeply traumatizing experiences, especially for a young woman, a teenager. Richardson stresses that she knew (and her mother knew) that it was important to get a proper education. Hence, I could presume that an inner conflict persisted inside of Richardson’s mind. On the one hand, she had a deep connection with her mother; therefore, it must have been very difficult to abort her own child. On the other hand, her mother did menial labor and knew how difficult it was; she did not want her daughter to have a similar fate. In fact, the idea of being educated was put at the top of the priority list by Richardson’s mother. In the interview, she stresses that when she was falling apart psychologically, the things her mother told her (about the importance of getting an education) helped her overcome these difficulties.

Based on the interview, Richardson underwent some highly stressful events in her life. She was a mother, yet, at the same time, she was on drugs. Her drug addiction broke her into pieces. At the same time, she felt extremely guilty about “throwing away” all those opportunities that her parents fought for in the first place. In fact, she talks about her disengagement at school and how she flunked out of school. Yet, at the same time, she does talk about being an intellectual and having an academic perspective. Based on all that has been said, Richardson is a multifaceted and talented artist, writer, singer, etc. On the one part, her life experiences have supplied her with wit and depth. On the other part, her education and sharp intellect have given her the necessary tools for translating her passion and experience into various creative endeavors.


The literacy narratives of black columbus. (2010). Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives, 4(1), pp. 133-157.

How to Write a Literacy Narrative Outline

Writing an essay is made easier when you first outline what you intend to write about. This outline serves as a map or guides for you to ensure that all necessary details are captured. Writing a literacy narrative essay especially requires writing out an outline to guide your writing. The outline should be divided into sections so that you can have a clear picture of what you need to write. The outline of a literacy narrative essay should include:

  • Introduction: this gives information on the reason for writing the essay. In this section, you should introduce the topic and the themes you would like to address within the essay. If the essay is about a novel you read, this would be the section to introduce the novel. You should give details such as the title, author, and possibly the genre of the novel.
  • Main Body: The body of a literacy narrative essay can include as many as three or more paragraphs. The number of paragraphs is determined by how much information you need to give in the essay or the word count requirement. If you are writing about a novel, the first paragraph of the body could give a brief synopsis of the novel and the other paragraphs, a deeper explanation of the novel. The essay’s body should be written with vivid descriptions so that the reader gets a feel of the book you are writing about. In writing content for the body of your essay, you should be careful not to make the paragraph too long. Before you start writing, it is good to write out the book’s important points and possibly divide them into paragraphs. Describe the emotions these important scenes evoked in you and how they shaped you. Although you are writing about a book, do not forget that your writing is somewhat like a review. Anyone reading your essay wants to see what you thought of the book and what emotions you felt while reading. So, you must relate only the parts that carried any iota of importance for you.
  • Conclusion: the concluding part of your essay should redirect the reader to why you wrote the essay. The lessons you learned, the emotions you discovered should be carefully pointed out as you conclude.

What are The Key Characteristics of a Narrative Essay?

Literacy narrative essays are generally aimed at sharing how reading and writing helped shape you. It is a good way to defend some philosophies and ideals you hold and to tell how you came about them. Literacy narrative topics allow you to share your memories, discoveries, challenges, etc., of reading, writing, and language in general. But, these can only be effectively shared if the main key features of a literacy narrative are included in your essay. And, they include.

  • A well-written story
  • Accurately described details
  • Essay Theme
  • Story setting and key people
  • A detailed explanation of the narrative’s significance
  • Plot and structure


Writing a literacy narrative is an opportunity to think back and relive some very important periods of your growth. It could also be instrumental in helping you face and reevaluate your present level regarding literacy. Aside from giving the teacher or assessor a perfect, well-sculptured essay, literacy narratives could also help a student rediscover lost passion.

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125 Top Narrative Essay Topics and Ideas Wed, 05 Jan 2022 15:49:47 +0000 Narrating is retelling a story or action as seen, heard, or read. Narrative essays test students’ capacity to retain information and recall necessary information when required. Narrative essays are also a test of a student’s competence in a language. Finally, they assess a student’s ability to creatively relate events of the past.

To make your narrative essay interesting, here are a few narration ideas:

  • Give a brief introduction on the topic for narration
  • Mention why you chose this particular topic
  • Introduce the characters of the story in a clear and descriptive way
  • Relate the actions in chronological order
  • Conclude by pointing out the important aspects and lessons of the story

A narrative essay topic could be fiction or nonfiction. Fiction is an imaginary story – a story that never really happened. When a narrative essay is a fiction, it is up to the student to create his characters and plot a scene in tandem with the theme of the essay. When writing fiction, the student can write in the first person or third person.

Essay topics are given to address a particular theme, and it is important that the points raised correlate with the theme. Examples of essay topics could be:

  • Young people are easily influenced. Write about someone who has influenced your way of living.
  • Volunteer jobs help to build a student’s skills. Describe your first volunteer job and how it helped you grow.
  • Parents should acknowledge the achievements of their children. Write about an achievement in your life/school that helped boost your confidence.

Personal Narrative Topics

Writing a personal narrative is creatively talking about your memories, adventures, and experiences. Personal narrative topics can cover any aspect of life. For example, memories covering family, school, work, culture, etc., can be creatively narrated in a personal narrative essay. Here are a few personal narration ideas:

  1. How I spent the last holiday
  2. Your favorite Christmas holiday
  3. Your most memorable birthday
  4. Your most memorable holiday
  5. Your favorite game
  6. Your most memorable trip
  7. Your favorite school subject
  8. Your most unusual friend
  9. Your most memorable day in school.
  10. Your most embarrassing moment
  11. Your favorite teacher
  12. An unforgettable moment in school
  13. The scariest experience you ever had
  14. The strangest dream you ever had
  15. The first meal you cooked
  16. Your first self-made pastry
  17. The best day of your life
  18. A day you will never forget
  19. A person you will never forget
  20. Your first paid job

Other Personal Narrative Ideas

  1. Your first volunteer assignment
  2. Your favorite sibling
  3. A life lesson you learned
  4. Your favorite holiday pastime
  5. An accident you witnessed.
  6. A wedding you attended
  7. A birthday you attended
  8. A day at the beach
  9. A visit to the zoo
  10. A visit to the amusement park
  11. concert you attended
  12. A visit to the cinema
  13. An experience meeting a stranger
  14. Your first driving experience
  15. A gift you will never forget
  16. Your most unusual gift
  17. Your first time on a plane
  18. A valuable thing you lost
  19. A valuable thing you found
  20. Helping a stranger
  21. The most remarkable movie you watched.
  22. A health challenge you overcame
  23. Your first night at a hospital
  24. A favorite song
  25. An experience that changed your life
  26. A place that you feel you belong most

Interesting Narrative Essay Topics For College Students

  1. Someone that influenced you
  2. Meeting an influential person
  3. A funny experience you had
  4. A skill you learned and how it helped you
  5. Participating in an extracurricular activity
  6. A dangerous experience
  7. A risk you took
  8. A secret you discovered
  9. The experience of saving someone
  10. A lonely moment in your life
  11. A remarkable vacation with family
  12. A visit to your grandparent’s house
  13. An unexpected assistance you received
  14. A visit to a historical site
  15. A visit to a famous spot
  16. A tragic event in your life
  17. Losing a loved one
  18. Confronting a bully
  19. Your first pet
  20. A punishment you did not deserve

Adventurous Narrative Essay Writing Topics

  1. An experience that made you ashamed
  2. A family traditional you enjoy
  3. Your first time participating in a traditional ceremony
  4. The first traditional meal you ate
  5. Your first time cooking a traditional dish
  6. A disagreement you had with a friend
  7. A charitable deed you did
  8. Helping to solve a mystery
  9. Helping to solve a crime
  10. Helping a neighbor
  11. A time you had to apologize for something you did not do
  12. The day you graduated from school
  13. A wish that came true
  14. Your first experience with the police
  15. Your first visit to the emergency
  16. A birth you witnessed
  17. A day summer vacation you will never forget
  18. A day you got lost
  19. A prize you won
  20. An experience you wish you could have again
  21. The experience of failing
  22. An embarrassing moment in school
  23. Making your first deposit at the bank
  24. The day you learned the value of money

More Narrative Topics for Essays

  1. The day you learned the value of work
  2. Your favorite pastime
  3. A day you left your chores to play
  4. An invaluable lesson you learned
  5. The day your hobby got you job
  6. Experiencing something new
  7. Buying your first car
  8. An adventure you will never forget
  9. Your first night at a friend’s house
  10. Your first teaching experience
  11. Your first science project
  12. How you learned to respect other people’s culture
  13. Your first experience of racial prejudice
  14. A moment you felt helpless
  15. Your first babysitting job
  16. A day you got stranded
  17. An experience you wish you never have to relive

Literacy Narrative Essay Topics

Literacy narrative essays describe your experience with literacy skills such as reading and writing. This type of essay is great for reviewing texts, novels, short stories, etc. Through such essays, you can relate your opinion and experience about learning and reading and how you have been positively or negatively impacted. Here are a few ideas for literacy narrative essays:

  1. Your favorite novel
  2. A story you will never forget
  3. The first story you wrote
  4. The scariest novel you ever read
  5. The worst novel you ever read
  6. The most unexpected ending to a novel you read
  7. The first poem you ever read
  8. A poem you will never forget
  9. The most uninteresting book you ever read
  10. The first philosophical book you read
  11. The best new story you ever read
  12. The power of the written word
  13. How you learned to write
  14. How you learned to read
  15. The first sad story you ever read
  16. Learning a new language
  17. The first foreign language you learned.
  18. Your first time being on the school’s editorial board

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Narrative Essay Outline: Format, Worksheet and Example Tue, 28 Dec 2021 15:13:57 +0000 Before you start writing any essay, it is wise to outline what you intend to include in your essay regardless of the type. This guides you in writing the information that needs to be given. It also helps you organize your thoughts and avoid any distractions by nonessentials.

Writing a Narrative Essay Outline

Usually, most narrative essays are written in three paragraphs. This is, however, not a rule that is etched in stone – the number of paragraphs you decide to use will depend on how much you need to write. The important thing to bear in mind is to ensure that you do not include unnecessary details that can make your essay too long. Your aim should be to write something that retains the interest of whoever is reading your essay without boring or confusing them. The outline of your essay should generally include an introduction, the body of the essay, and a conclusion.

For a three-paragraph essay, the narrative essay structure could look like this:

  • Introduction: This is where you introduce your topic and the theme you intend to address. Your introduction should start with a catchy phrase, quote, or saying. You could also use a rhetorical question that gets the reader thinking and wanting to read your story. Since you are giving a narration, the “hook” within the introduction should be very intriguing. A story is useless if it can’t capture and maintain interest.
  • Body paragraph one: this paragraph caters to the beginning of your story. It would be best if you started introducing the characters of your story here. This paragraph also gives a background to your story. In this paragraph, you should use descriptive and clear vocabulary to introduce your story. This would be a good place to give information such as your story’s place, time, and period.
  • Body paragraph two: The second paragraph begins to share details on actions, consequences, and other important details required by the essay. Build your story in this paragraph to the point of climax.
  • Body paragraph three: This paragraph should tell how your story ends. You could use anecdotes or quotes as a wrap-up for your story. Concluding details such as results and consequences can be added to this paragraph.
  • Conclusion: The resolution of your story in this paragraph should highlight important details you want your readers to pick from your story. Decisions made, lessons learned, changes made, etc., can be written out in this paragraph. This is also where you restate the reason or theme of your essay.

Narrative Essay Format

Writing a narrative essay is like writing a story, so you can import the style of writing a narrative story format into writing your essay. To form the outline of a story, some approaches have been itemized. These include:

1. The plot-based approach

The plot of a story is the series of acts and actions that make up the story. A plot-based format should itemize the different important actions you intend to include in the storyline. Example

  • I graduated from school.
  • Search for a job before college.
  • Volunteer at a soup kitchen while waiting for college
  • Take refresher courses etc.

2. The scene-based approach

Every story, including a personal narrative essay, must have a scene(s). You could build the outline of your story based on the places of importance to your story.

Writing down the important places could help jolt your memory in the course of writing so that you don’t leave out any important detail. For example:

  • Grandpa’s house – I met the person who introduced me to photography.
  • Best friend’s party – I did my first photoshoot
  • My aunt’s office – I got introduced to magazine photoshoots etc

3. The theme-based approach

A theme-based outline maps out the central themes you intend to explore in your writing. This approach is suitable when you intend to address more than one theme. This approach does not work for all types of stories, so it may not work for your personal narrative essay. For example:

  • Willingness to learn – working with my uncle at his auto shop
  • Loyalty – staying with my uncle’s practice regardless of pay
  • Dedication – getting to work early to get in some work hours before the full day.

4. Freytag’s Pyramid Approach

Freytag’s approach is based on a pyramid that uses the five basic elements of a story to create an outline. The basic elements considered are exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.


There is no perfect format for writing a story outline, and it is up to you to choose the best format you can work with. The most important point to note as you write out the outline of your essay is to ensure that you capture all the details you need to cover. Remember to write keywords or phrases that can trigger remembrance of the events you desire to include in the essay.

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How to Write a Personal Narrative Step by step + Example Tue, 28 Dec 2021 14:48:09 +0000 Before you start writing a personal narrative essay, it is important to ask questions like, “what is a personal narrative essay?” and so on.

A personal narrative essay is a story about yourself that you choose to share in writing. More often than not, personal narrative essays form a large part of the types of narrative essays that are seen. Aside from telling your story, a personal narrative essay also shares your mindset, opinion, and explanation of certain life events. Personal narrative essays should be written in the first person to connect with the reader.

A personal essay could be based on a memory, favorite story, a trip you made, or even your career journey. A personal essay is a way to retell a personal experience creatively.

Components of a Personal Narrative Essay

To write an exceptional personal narrative essay, you need to understand the components of the essay. Here are some vital components that you must include.

  • Topic

Writing a personal essay begins with the choice of topic. Often, you are given a selection of areas to choose from if you are writing for a class test or assignment. A personal essay is not an argumentative essay where you have to argue the point of convincing your reader. It is more informative than instructive. Therefore, you need to choose your topic wisely. Your topic should be one that you are comfortable discussing and sharing with others.

After choosing your topic, you need to outline what you intend to include in your essay. If you are writing for a school assignment, chances are you have a word count limit. Even if you do not have a word count limit, a narrative essay is not expected to be a long story. Hence, it would be best if you itemized what aspects you intend to cover in your essay, preferably in chronological order. An outline is useful to guide you in making sure that you keep to the theme of the essay.

  • Introduction

Now, as you begin to write, you need an introduction. Your introduction should include information on the theme you intend to cover in your paper. Your introduction should be witty and attractive to the reader – in simple, understandable words that tell the reader what to expect as they read. Then, it would help if you created a flow from your introduction to the essay’s body.

  • Body

Writing the body of an essay should not be too difficult once you have created an outline of what you intend to write. Here in the body, you begin to flesh out the cogent details you earlier wrote out. Then, in expanding on your outlined points, be as descriptive as possible to give the reader a sense of being with you on the journey. Finally, a personal narrative essay tests how creative you can be in retelling a past event. In writing, you should aim to elicit in your reader the kind of feeling you had when you had the experience.

Depending on how much you have to write, you could have up to three or more paragraphs. Each paragraph should contain specific details like date, time, and an action. You should also ensure that the paragraphs are written in chronological order so that the story flows as the reader reads.

  • Conclusion

After the body of the essay comes the conclusion. This is an avenue for you to recap by pointing out some of the lessons you learned from your experience. It could also be an avenue to hint at other things you intend to do as a follow-up. First, like the introduction, your conclusion should not deviate from the theme but lead the reader to summarise what has been written. You could choose to also finish with another quote or anecdote, but it is not compulsory.

As you finish your essay with the conclusion, be patient enough to read through to check for errors. Make necessary corrections and ensure that the story is written in a way that will endear you to the reader.

How to Start a Personal Narrative Essay

Starting a personal narrative essay could be the same as starting a traditional narrative essay. Quotes, anecdotes, popular sayings that lead into your story can be creatively used as an opening. Beyond this, your first paragraph should give a general introduction to the purpose of the essay and the theme you intend to pursue.

Personal Narrative Essay Examples

Personal essays could be in the form of a class assignment, a college application essay, or a personal statement.

A college application is often written in response to a request by assessors. The essay will often ask you to state why you should be admitted to a particular program. You could also be asked to write an essay on how or why you decided to go for a particular program. This type of essay should be tailored to convince assessors that you are eligible for the program you are looking to get into.

Personal Narrative Essay Examples for College Applications

Personal Essay

Discover your true self and stay true to that. When I was younger, I thought I knew what I wanted to be, but I had no idea how to get there. So I started listening to all the people around me who said I would never be able to succeed at doing that and started to lose my way. It’s easy to get caught up in the fears and insecurities of the people who love you, but only you know what is the right path for you. Listen to your heart, your passions will guide you to the career and life that you were meant for.

Spend time alone. When you’re having trouble figuring out just who you’re supposed to be, the world can get noisy and distracting (see above). In order to hear your heart and know what is really important to you, spend some time alone  and get to like who you are in the silent spaces. What helps me most is spending some time in nature just watching the birds or listening to the sound of the wind in the trees. If this isn’t possible for you, just spending time in a quiet room without the noise of other people’s activities can be enough. When you know and like the person you are in the silent spaces, you have a better chance of knowing and understanding the path you’re meant to take.

Know where you’re going, but enjoy the journey to get there. You might know you need 12 more years of education and experience to finally achieve the position you want to be in and it will be tempting to put your head down and just work toward that goal without looking up, but you risk losing a lot of what life has to offer when you engage in that kind of activity. Set smaller milestones for you to reach and celebrate each step along the journey. Take the time to enjoy life in the moment and take advantage of opportunities when they arise.

Don’t wait for tomorrow. When my parents were younger, they wanted to take a world tour and see all of the special places they’d heard about and read about in books. They decided to wait until they had enough money to make the trip, but in the meantime, they started a family. Then my siblings and I were in school and the money was partially spent. When they finally had the money again, my dad was too old to make the trip and my mom was too tired. If there’s something you really want to do in your life, make it happen, the earlier the better.

If something needs changing, be part of the action  There is always going to be something wrong with the world and you will probably be surrounded by friends and relatives that complain about it. I know I am. Complaining about things will not make any difference to how they really are. The only thing that brings about change is taking action. If there’s something you feel needs to be changed enough to complain about, then stop complaining and become part of that change in whatever way you think is possible for you.

Finally, take time to be with the people you’re with. Life can get so busy that you’ll feel like you don’t have a moment to spare. When you find yourself trying to rush your old grandfather into his house so you can dash off to your meeting with your buddies, remember the reason you were with your grandfather in the first place and enjoy the moments you have together. Instead of constantly thinking of the next thing you want to say, the next distraction pulling at your attention, or the news that’s happening among some other circle of friends, remember to slow down and enjoy the time you have with the people you’re actually with at the moment.

In conclusion, writing a personal narrative is just like writing a narrative essay, only this time, from a personal perspective. It involves telling your story in the most creative way using the same format and structure as a typical essay.

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